Πέμπτη 13 Ιουνίου 2019

eTwinning 2018-2019

 Two eTwinning programmes in our school this year!!!

 Cultural Heritage Treasure Troves 

An eTwinning project between 3rd Junior High School of Acharnes and Collegi Sant Miquel in Barcelona where students had the chance to share  cultural elements of their countries ,learn from each other and realise their similarities and differences.

Click HERE to see our work on twinspace, the platform we worked on.

eTwinning was not only introduced to the 3rd class of our school ,1st grade students had also the chance to participate in a  very creative project  getting the inspiration from the book of Jules Verne: 80 Days around the world.
Click HERE to see the students' work.

Κυριακή 31 Μαρτίου 2019

New School- New experiences

After 12 years in the 12th Junior High School of Acharnes , years full of strong emotions and experiences I had to move to another school, 3rd Junior High School where, to my pleasant surprise I met colleagues who showed interest in my love for European projects.The benefits are multiple not only for students but for teachers alike.
So my first year in the new school made me realise once more that all students are eager to participate and  reap the benefits of students' exchange programmes.It definitely needs hard work, communication and collaboration skills ,a vision to offer our students as much as they deserve.

 Etwinning was the stage and students from Spain and France collaborated with our students on two different cultural projects exchanging information about their countries' culture ,playing games and ....meeting each other in person. 
Here is a small sample of both exchanges!!